Hanboknam touring China ShenYang: Korean Town and XingShun NIght Maket

Hello everyone!
I am Hanboknam! 
Today I want to share with you on how my Shen Yang trip went. 

Distance wise, Shen Yang is very close to Korea. 
It only takes an hour to an hour and half to travel to Shen Yang from Korea. 
Before visiting this place, take note that Shen Yang is not a well known tourist destination, which means that there are low chances of locals understanding you. 
Yet, it is a historical and wonderful place to go around so you should take a visit! 

On the first day of Shen Yang, we went around the Shen Yang Imperial Palace. 
This place is also a museum so you will be able to see the different artifacts the Qing Dynasty produced. Their artifacts are so intricate in the sense that they were able to give details even in tiny areas that you think won't be seen! 

Look at this clock. 
Its needles are so sensitively made, and the paintings used colors that shows the characteristics of the Qing Dynasty and much more!

You can visit our YouTube channel to see more artifacts of the Qing Dynasty! 

Oh also, it is also said that a lot of scholars stressed the importance of exchange with the Qing dynasty, because of their intricacy in making these products. 

After going around the museum,

After going through the souvenir, we went to the Korean town SouTapGa. It was a nice place with clean roads. 

It is interesting that in China, they drink hot tea or water even the weather outside is super hot. 
I do not really know the reason why but maybe it is a culture they keep since before! 
Anyways after that day, 
we went to do our presentations for our work, and at night, we went to the night market! 

Night Markets is one of the places that most people want to visit 
because it is the place where you can really eat the local food. 

The night market I went is called XingShun night market. 
We rode the taxi to get there. The driver was not that nice but oh well, 
what can we do about that.

We found the place and started to go around. 
The size of this night market was huge like a football stadium!! 
Yet, we were not able to find the food we wanted to eat because we were scared. 

Really, be careful what you eat in any other country because the water changed and the environment changed! 

You might get a stomachache! 

But still we were able to find 3 different kinds of food which were seafood, lamb skewers and beef skewers. It was yummy and just right.
The night market at Shen Yang marked our last day in China! 

Shen Yang is a interesting place to visit with different historical backgrounds! 
If you guys want to learn more about Shen Yang, visit our Youtube channel!

 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUNdDF-bSXc  (Part 1/2) 


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